Monday, September 10, 2007

PPBI - Year in Review

I was asked to today for the yearly report for Pikes Peak Bible Institute, the educational ministry I lead for the Pikes Peak Baptist Association. The association's yearly meeting is on October 1 and I need to let PPBA know how things went.

This is always a good exercise to engage in for any ministry: to take stock in the middle of the year and make any adjustments to end the year where you need to be. Here are some highlights of the 2007 year for PPBI.

§ Spring 2007

• We offered two in-seat classes for the Spring 2007 semester
» "The Life of Christ" - a survey of the Gospel's
» "Biblical Hermeneutics" - How to understand and apply the Bible

• We offered one online class for the Spring 2007 semester
» "Teaching and Learning in the Church" - just what it sounds like

• We were able to attend an education fair at Schriever Air Force Base. This is a big deal as we were the only bible college which attended this ed fair located on a military base.

§ Fall 2007

• We offered two in-seat classes for the Fall 2007 semester
» "Old Testament History and Literature" - a survey of the Old Testament
» "Introducing Christian Doctrines" - a systematic theology class

• We offered four online classes for the Fall 2007 semester (but only one had students)
» "Biblical Ethics" - just what it sounds like
» The other three classes were New Testament Survey, Old Testament Survey and Teaching and Learning in Churches. These online classes are actually offered by Oklahoma Baptist University but PPBI's students can take any of them they desire.

• We will be able to attend another educational fair at Schriever AFB in a couple of weeks (Sept. 17).

§ 2007 Over All

• Continued discussion with a project I am not sure I am able to share publicly.
• Continued work on purpose, mission and vision statement. PPBI's purpose statement says "Pikes Peak Bible Institute exists to equip Christ-followers spiritually and intellectually to serve God in their local church and communities throughout their entire lives." This is based in Ephesians 4:12-13.
• Developed some new advertising products.
• Continued work on a student handbook.

While we did more than this, this is some of the highlights of the year. This helps me formulate some of what I will put in the annual report.

I will post some students comments tomorrow so that you can hear what is going on in the student's lives as a result of their work at PPBI.